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Embracing mental health wellness

Mental Health Awareness Month

As we celebrate mental health awareness month, let us dive into this topic extensively through this article. Picture yourself growing up; the household you were born and grew in, the schools you attended, the people you interacted with, and your workplace. This environment has a significant influence on how you reason, who you become, your drive in life and how you relate with other people. Kenya is among the developing countries in the world and with that come potential huge health inequalities. A significant number of citizens have no access to clean water, poor infrastructure, household income is low, low quality education, and poor access to health. With such living conditions, most of them may suffer immensely both physically, and mentally. The World Health Organization {WHO} (n.d) defines health as a state of being completely socially, mentally, and physically stable and not just the absence of a disease. This statement means that even when you have no disease and you are mentally unstable, then state your health is incomplete. When we were young, we lived a carefree life. We attended primary school, high school, and eventually tertiary institutions. Through this journey, we experienced some stress factors but mostly when facing major examinations. When people graduate from college or university studies, that is when they begin to face the real world. You have to start sending job applications, others opt to search for post graduate scholarships. Others might go for years without securing any job or stable source of income and through this hassle, they might be faced with mental health challenges. Potential Enablers for Mental Health Conditions According to World Health Organization (2022), "mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community". In recent times there has been more life stressors that may be contributing to higher prevalence of mental health. There are more marriage-associated issues, job scarcity, work-related stress, social media pressure, high cost of living, physical inactivity, poor diet, and many more. The Kenyan National Commission of Human Rights as cited by Memiah (2022) indicates the prevalence of mental health conditions in Kenya to be 40% in patients admitted in hospitals and 25% in outpatients. The most common diagnoses of mental health conditions in a health set up are anxiety disorders, substance abuse, depression, and stress. Similarly, Kenya is ranked top five in African countries experiencing more depression cases. The following are some of the major issues people are recently facing and maybe contributing to more cases of mental health conditions. Poor Gut Health According to literature, poor nutritional habits may contribute to development of mental health conditions. Did you know that your brain and your gut are connected? The gut and the brain send signals back and forth where the gut microbiota(good gut bacteria) imbalances break the communication, probably causing neurodevelopmental or mental health issues. Equally, the good gut bacteria interact with different compounds such as serotonins which regulates emotions and moods. Hence, when you have more good gut bacteria, more serotonin is produced and therefore you will experience a better mood, sleep better, and your appetite will be well balanced. Studies have discovered that there are more rates of anxiety and depression in individuals with gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel symptoms (Smith, 2023). Traumatic Life Events and Abuse Unexpected traumatic life events may also contribute to mental health conditions. These events include divorces, sexual abuse, loss of a loved one, being in a war zone, natural calamities such as floods or fire, loss of a job, accidents, and many others. These events normally leave the victims traumatized and they might not manage to move on with normal life until they undergo some extensive counseling. Family History Family history is an important indicator of whether you are prone to developing mental health conditions and other illnesses. Some mental disorders tend to occur more in some families but if there is a family member suffering from the condition, it does not necessarily mean you will develop one. However, many environmental factors play a role and it is important to hold discussions with your blood relatives and create a family history. If mental health conditions are existent in your family, you might need to consult a psychiatrist or any mental health professional who will help you gain insights of the risk factors and how to prevent the occurrence (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2020). Socioeconomic Factors and Lack of Access to Mental Health Services People's mental health is shaped by their environmental, economical, and social conditions such as poverty and unemployment. These factors lead to increased substance abuse and suicide attempts because of frustrations because of social isolation loss of purpose, work pressures, and financial stress. Majority of people may also lack access to mental health services because of geographical barriers, may not know that such services exist, or cannot afford to pay for such services. Poor Life-Work Balance As the proverb goes, "too much work without play makes jack a dull boy". This proverb applies so much in your work schedule. I know in recent economic times we are always chasing the bag to fulfill our never ending bills. However, it is important to take reasonable breaks away from your work. Taking breaks here and there enhances your productivity. Subjecting yourself to too much unhealthy stress at work for a prolonged period may eventually catch up with your mental health, make your work feel like a routine, and eventually lose motivation. In this regard, make sure that you are prioritizing your mental health and avoid or minimize too much stress factors. Recommendations Whenever you are having a mental breakdown or depressive episodes you are not alone and acknowledge the feeling. There are strategies you can apply to cope, balance, or feel better. The right stakeholders can also apply some of these strategies to serve mental health patients. Get Professional Help: If you’re not able to cope and you have been experiencing depression symptoms or anxiety unrelentingly, seek help from an online or physical therapist. They can offer you the help, guidance, and medication that are best for you. Ensure you are consuming a balanced diet composed of healthy fats, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Also, Incorporate prebiotics such as onions, garlic, bananas, etc. and probiotics such as kimchi, yogurt, or pickles to enhance growth of good gut bacteria. You can always consult with a nutritionist to help you with your healthy diet. When there are expected natural calamities such as the recently experienced floods in Kenya, the government should ensure there are enough qualified mental health professionals to offer mental support to the victims. There should be more telehealth mental health services to people in remote or underserved communities. The mental health service fee should be free or subsidized. Deep Breathing Exercises: You can practice deep breathing as these are some of the best exercises that will calm up your mind and your body as well. Mindfulness Meditation: Engage in mindfulness meditation to increase self-awareness, reduce stress, and promote emotional balance. Engage in Physical Activity: Participate in physical activities you enjoy as these release endorphins which improve your mood. Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors in nature, whether it's going for a hike, sitting in a park, or simply taking a walk in your neighborhood. Engage in creative activities: Therefore, you can draw, paint, write, or even play a music instrument to get your feelings expressed and your energy to the next level. Limit Media Exposure: Refrain from exposure to the news and the negative social media that will worsen the state of your anxiety and depression feeling. You can focus on what is better for you with your friend or child. Conclusion Let's continue to foster a workplace culture where mental health is prioritized and supported. Remember, your well-being matters, and you are never alone in your journey towards mental wellness. Only you can create your happiness, try to reduce stress triggers, make sure you open up to a person you trust or a mental health professional. Sometimes it is good to take life as it comes and just play your part, no stressing on situations you cannot control. #mentalhealthmatters #healthmindset #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #breakthestigma #speakup References Memiah, P., Wagner, F. A., Kimathi, R., Anyango, N. I., Kiogora, S., Waruinge, S., Kiruthi, F., Mwavua, S., Kithinji, C., Agache, J. O., Mangwana, W., Merci, N. M., Ayuma, L., Muhula, S., Opanga, Y., Nyambura, M., Ikahu, A., & Otiso, L. (2022). Voices from the youth in Kenya addressing mental health gaps and recommendations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5366. Smith, M. (2023, July 27). Turns out your “gut feelings” are real. how gut and mental health are connected. Loma Linda University Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2020). Looking at my genes: What can they tell me about my mental health?. National Institute of Mental Health. World Health Organization. (n.d.). Constitution of the World Health Organization. World Health Organization. World Health Organization. (2022, June 17). Mental health. World Health Organization.

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